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CONSORT - Australia
The CONSORT Bruny Island Battery Trial demonstrated how customer owned distributed energy storage can deliver significant value to the...
Gridwiz - South Korea
A Korean company offering Demand Response solutions to business customers. Download the South Korea country report with the Gridwiz case...
Samchully Energy Services - South Korea
One of the major town gas companies in Korea. Download the South Koreai country report with the Samchully case or read below: The Story...
Meshcraft - Norway
A company which develops a platform to attempt solving some of the problems of being an EV owner today. Download the Norway country...
Bolig Enøk - Norway
A firm specialized in energy upgrading of housing. Their mother, Glava, is Norway’s market leader in the production of insulation...
Friendly Buildings - Sweden
A company that develops and builds really efficient, or even near energy zero homes. Download the Sweden country report with the Friendly...
Buurkracht - The Netherlands
A process that supports existing local initiatives in their efforts to save energy, developed by a DNO. Download the The Netherlands...
CEFI - Ireland
The Carbon Energy Fund Ireland (CEFI) is an organisation specifically created to facilitate and project manage the procurement of complex...
TRY / Yackandandah - Australia
TRY is a volunteer run community group that has as goal to achieve 100% renewable energy and to reduce energy usage drastically in...
ElectriCITY - Sweden
ElectriCITY is a citizenship-driven innovation platform, that aims to make Hammarsby Sjöstad the most climate-friendly district in...
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